Sewing part 4
Today I started with sewing one of five windows into the cockpit tent. I found an instruction video on Youtube. And what shall I say – it worked out fine!
Thanks for 1000 visits
Thanks for over 1000 visits on my site. Currently I am busy with other things, so I really can not get on with my “Boatstuff”. But next week there should be a little time left again. Then it goes on with the cockpit tent. I wish all my visitors / Read more…
Seving part 3
After the feet have arrived for the sewing machine, it is progressing well, although the separation of the old cockpit tent takes longer than expected. The rear part is as good as done. The zippers are sewn and the blenders too. The window is cut and sutured next.
Besides the whole sewing, I had had to work in wood again. My buddy Günni bought a Rügenjolle last summer. The one or the other had to be overhauled. This included the tiller, tiller extension and rudder head. I have rebuild the tiller + extension. The fork was in a very bad condition. Read more…