Welcome to my Jaguar 25 website. If you are interested in a Jaguar 25 yacht or if you want to know more about one of the most beautiful sailing areas in Northern Europe, this website might be to your liking. Here you will get the opportunity to get in touch with like-minded Jaguar 25 aficionados. Please do not hesitate to contact me and to sign the guestbook.

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Die letzten Logbucheinträge

After work sailing

Slowly the weather gets better and you can do a little trip after work. As a reward, there is a delicious rum. Cheers! In 15 days is finally holidays – off to the Danish South Read more…

Lyø rundt

This weekend, after years, it’s time for a regatta. The traditional regatta Lyø rund is sailed. In 1998 Fuchur took first place and in 1999 second place in its category. Let’s see what comes out Read more…