After a long time now again an update, what ‘s happening on board in the past time. I once again started the sewing machine and sewed me a port plan. This protects the cockpit tent and sprayhood, when I’m not on board over the week. Looks unusually naked, but is a good thing.
Then I built in a pressurized water system. What a luxury! Now “normal” faucets are installed on washbasin and in the pantry. Taps on – hot water – how cool! And the kicker: Now you can take a shower in the cockpit. Farewell to filthy washrooms in the marinas!
Yes and then I bought a self-satellite antenna from Helmut, for long port days.
This weekend I had to enter the mast. The screw from the pennant had come loose. So I took the opportunity to take a picture from above.
And of course, I already was out sailing. Here are some pictures from a trip with the world’s best Günni.