For a long time it was very quiet here on the site. Due to a job change and a move, there was simply no time left to write something new on this page. But there are plenty of new things! From 01.09.2015 to 01.11.2016 I even lived on board – an experience which I did not want to miss! The whole winter alone in the harbor – fantastic!
At the moment Fuchur is being overtaken from scratch. The freeboard and the deck should be repainted. For this I have been able to get a seat in the boat shed this winter season. All fittings have already been dismantled and the grinding shop has begun. The original color of the boat has come to light. A chic orange graced the then Kestrel. The first progress can be seen in the photos.
I wish the readers of my page a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and always a handful of water under the keel.


Categories: Allgemein