Flensborg Yacht Club is the only Danish sailing club south of the German / Danish border, situated at the Ewoldtweg in Mürwik. The harbor is used by two sailing clubs. The Segler-Vereinigung Flensburg e.V. and the Flensborg Yacht Club (FYC).
Even the journey by car is special. Steep it goes through a very quiet residential area of the Twedter Strandweg down to the spacious parking lot of the FYC. Usually a few boats are ashore on the club’s slipway for small repairs. Even friends of the clubs from Denmark like to use this. Behind the big boat hall, the youth section has their home. Countless Optimist dinghies and other dinghies are waiting here to find the weekly training efforts. Our Club House (picture above) offers everything needed by the sailors. Sanitation, race office, club rooms, and last but not least the restaurant “Sail In”. Whether in the restaurant or on the large terrace in front, the freshly tapped beer always tastes good after a trip – especially at the fantastic view over the harbor and the Flensburg Fjord. A covered barbecue area is also available. The jetty can accommodate many boats, not just for club members but also for visiting boats. A few “guests” have been in the port for such a long time, you do not know whether they are guests or members . Also many weekend visitors visit the club regularly, and they already belong to the club life. On the jetty are at regular intervals, electricity and water columns available. Similarly life jackets and ladders can be used quickly in an emergency. Find more pictures in the gallery.