Daytrip with the family

On Saturday 20.09. at  9:00 0`clock i was going for a small trip with my brother and his grandson. The small Leve (10) sails for some time in the Husum Segler-Verein in the youth department optimists and wanted to sail on a slightly larger boat. Apparently they are making good youth work in Husum, because Leve immediately came clear with Fuchur. Staying the course was not an issue – he just made it!   Then we sailed to Egernsund for hot dog eating. Read more…

Owner Meeting in Maasholm and Flensburg

On Sunday, 14.09. 2014 I met with owners of a Jaguar 25 in Maasholm. The contact came from this site. Hannelore and Jörg have bought the Jaguar in the Netherlands and then transferred to Maasholm. The previous owner has covered the complete ship with teak and set his personal scent here and there. And as always, the new owners want to convert some of the boat. For me it was very exciting because I had never seen a Jaguar with Read more…

Vacation 2014

08.08.2014 Once on board, the water tanks were filled, and things that you have, stowed. The weather is beautiful and the trip can actually start next morning. However, the weather forecast says that tomorrow will be a lot of rain and wind – Lets see! 09.08.2014 The weather forecast was correct! It is pouring rain and the wind is above 10 m / s. I‘d better stay in port another day and do it comfortable for myself on board . Read more…

May. 15th

Finally, after everything is done on board, it went on a little test drive. The weather was great, but the wind took care (as always) limited. Did not matter anyway, since no great distance was planned. After such a long time ashore, you know why it is the most beautiful hobby in the world. This rest is incredibly beautiful. As a guest on board was a very dear friend (I omit the name;-)), who at home only may sail on Read more…