08.08.2014 Once on board, the water tanks were filled, and things that you have, stowed. The weather is beautiful and the trip can actually start next morning. However, the weather forecast says that tomorrow will be a lot of rain and wind – Lets see!
09.08.2014 The weather forecast was correct! It is pouring rain and the wind is above 10 m / s. I‘d better stay in port another day and do it comfortable for myself on board .
10.08.2014 After breakfast I finally started. Southwest wind force 4 Bft. At 10:00 clock I went through the harbor entrance out into the fjord. Here was a lot more wind than I have noticed it in the harbor. It quickly went past the ox islands and in no time buoy 12 was reached. Meanwhile the wind had picked up and I have a reef set, to not have too much cloth at the wind behind the buoy 6 in half wind. Wise decision! Meanwhile, the anemometer showed constant 10 – 12 m / s, gusts I‘ve even seen a 16. Clearly too much to sail comfortably. Ultimately, I had only put a small piece of headsail while 6.5 knots on the meter. What is too much, is too much! The trip was indeedplanned for more today, but not at any price. Heading change towards Langballigau. Since it was still early in the day, I found a nice place with views of both the harbor and over the fjord. After a moment the lifeboat Werner Kuntze drove at full speed with flashing lights towards outer fjord. Soon he was out of sight. After an hour, he came with a large motor boat towed back to port. Apparently it had an engine failure. At least head failure, since none was wearing a life jacket from the crew!
A similar fate has experienced to a neighbor at the bridge.
But there are also beautiful out Langballig to report. Someone has built a “floating pontoon nest with rose ramp” for ducks or other birds. Hard moored at the jetty a coot pair has discovered it for themselves. Nice idea! Here again Fuchur in Langballigau.
11. – 12.08.2014 For Today much wind was predicted again. But the early bird catches the worm. Right after getting ready for sea, at 8:00 clock I went. Since in the morning already abundant wind was announced, I decided to let me draw only from the Genoa. Downwind direction Wackerballig. Wind: SW, 4 Bft. As the course proceeded under the Flensburg Fjord coast, there was little swell. This Fuchur likes (and me too)! The GPS showed almost constant 6.7 knots – for Fuchur High Speed! Also today the weather forecast was right – the wind picked up. When I came across the Geltinger bay, I had to reef again. Ultimately there was only, measured from the forestay, 1 m sail out (1.5 to 2 m) and yet the sign was not less than 6.5 kn. Clearly much too much wind. After the short but intense trip, I arrived in Wackerballig around noon. Hardly had everything fixed and built the cockpit tent, it began to rain properly. The wind picked up more and more and I was glad to be in port. My dock neighbor had a hand anemometer. He has a constant 20 m / s (!) Measured and gusts up to 26 m / s. (try the wind calculator on the top of the page).
Harbor entrance Wackerballig
Impressions from Wackerballig
This beautiful yacht bears her name in a relief. I am fascinated by this attention to detail!
13.08.2014 And now moving pictures with no words: