Fuchur has been swimming again for three weeks! The way was difficult, but it was worth it. A report on the refit with all details can be found under “The Yacht – Refit“.
At this point I would like to thank some people for support.
First of all my wife for her patience with me at the refit. A total of 540 hours of work have gone into the boat.
Then a thank you to the helping hands, without which I would not have got along. Thanks go to Jörg for help in sanding the freeboard and thanks to Chrischi for helping to assemble the hardware.
A big thank you to Sönke, who has always contributed to the good result with his high level of expertise and good advice.
Thanks also to Marie and Sascha for the foliation – it has become unique!
Thanks to Mr. Bartoschek (Fa. Richter in Kiel) for the good advice on the windows.
Last but not least thanks to all club members from the Flensborg Yacht Club, who have built me up morally again and again.