The first Jaguar 25 meeting is behind us and I’m proud to have launched it.

On 31.05. of 2019 in the afternoon  we arrived in Wackerballig. Three Jaguars side by side on the jetty was a great picture. Included was the “Jaguar” from Maasholm, the “Maus” from Kappeln and my “Fuchur”. Finally I did not have the shortest mast in the harbor.

After everyone had set, the greeting came. It was as if we had known each other for years. Jaguar drivers seem to be on one wavelength. In the evening we went to eat together in the “Strandhuus” and then Fuchur became a meeting place. Maybe because of the spacious cockpit tent. With good discussions, guitar play, sweets and high-percentage drinks the evening went by in flight.
The next day was “Open Boat”. Everyone looked at everyone on board and it quickly became apparent that all the boats were identical, but each one had its own scent mark. Over the years it has been improved and optimized here and there.

The “Maus” (built in 1975) has got a completely new inner life. The previous owner had ripped everything out. Today she is, again with great attention to detail, in the reconstructed original condition. The steering gear is almost finished and must be regarded as a small technical wonder. With pneumatic controlled cylinders, the outboard motor is controlled simultaneously with the tiller. That should greatly improve the maneuverability of the boat.

The “Jaguar” (built in 1980) got a complete teak deck. Most likely there was still a lot of teak left, because inside, almost everything is covered with teak. The freeboard is still the original orange gelcoat and looks really good for its 39 years. Apart from the additionally attached teak, the Jaguar is under deck in its original state. Nothing has changed! The saloon table – original! The pantry – original! The bow with wardrobe – all original! If I could award a “vintage price” or a “H” license plate, “Jaguar” would get it!

At lunchtime the “Jaguar” left after the rig was trimmed a little. With a lot of wind and with a reef in the mainsail, it headed back to Maasholm. At 19:15 o´clock the message came that “Jaguar” had arrived in the harbor.

During a harbor tour we discovered another Jaguar 25, the “Akita mani”. Unfortunately, nobody was on board. The harbor master said that her home port since this year is Wackerballig. Maybe she will be here next year.

In the evening the huts on the pier were already occupied. Maus and Fuchur found a nice barbecue at the GYC. Here again a big THANK YOU to the nice people who had a cookie for us sailors.
Also this evening we spent on Fuchur.

On Sunday we went back to the home ports after breakfast. With good wind we went with set Blister direction Flensburg, where was moored at 13:55 clock. The Maus was shortly after at 14:42 clock in Kappeln.

At this point I would like to thank Hannelore, Iris, Jörg and Maik for an unforgettable weekend. I hope we see each other again next year at the 2nd Jaguar meeting. You all a nice sailing season and always the necessary hand’s breadth of water under the keel.


Iris Dahl · 4. June 2019 at 09:35

Lieber Olaf,
man, was für eine tolle Idee!!!
Was für ein zauberhaftes Wochenende war das denn??? Jaguar’s….die nicht dabei waren, ihr habt was verpaßt!!!
Vielen lieben Dank für diese wundervolle Seite und Deiner Liebe zur Jaguar 25

Wir freuen uns jetzt schon auf HIMMELFAHRT 2020 !!!
PS:Alles gute zum top Tag diese Woche ;0)

Oliver · 13. June 2019 at 00:13

Lieber Olaf,
Leider habe ich erst heute vom von Dir organisierten Jaguar25-Treffen erfahren. Eine tolle Idee. Auch im kommenden Jahr wird es vermutlich für mich schwierig werden, am Treffen teilzunehmen. Mal schauen, was sich vom Ijsselmeer aus organisieren lässt.
Es ist schön zu erfahren, dass Dein Engagement schon auf Anhieb zu einem Erfolg wurde.
Einfach super!
Allen Jaguar 25 Freunden, und Dir Olaf in Besonderem, jederzeit Mast- und Schotbruch.
Beste Grüße

    Olaf · 13. June 2019 at 07:00

    Moin Oliver,
    schön mal wieder von dir zu hören!
    Das Treffen war echt klasse! Vielleicht ist es ja bald möglich zu beamen, dann bekommen wir deutlich mehr Boote zusammen. 😉
    Ich würde mich freuen, wenn ich deine Jaguar mit in die Liste der Jaguar-Eigner aufnehmen dürfte. Dazu brauche ich ein Foto deines Boots, den Namen und den Heimathafen.
    Ich wünsche dir noch eine schöne Segelsaison!
    Beste Grüße

Stefan Bartz · 29. May 2022 at 19:04

Hallo in die Runde,
bin seit Sommer 2021 sehr froher und stolzer Eigner einer Jaguar 25. Tolles Boot,
Wäre sehr an Informationen über den Bootstyp interessiert. Vielleicht kann mir da jemand weiterhelfen.
Heimathafen ist Warns in Friesland.
Grüße aus dem Ruhrgebiet

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