At some point I had the desire to find out who owned the boat in front of me, where it has been all over the world and what happened to the boat before I could call it my own. Of course the beginning was very easy, as I bought Fuchur from my brother Cay-Erik. On 01.09.2003 I bought the boat for the purchase price of 8.000, – € and a used Sony laptop.
But let’s start where the boat was borne.
The yacht was built 1975 on a yachting shipyard on the Thames in England. And not only her – no – two of them were built at once. The general agency for Jaguar yachts was then in Osnabrück. Here Mr. Günter Mählmann bought both ships to use them as charter boats. At that time Fuchurs name was Kestrel and the sister ship Foka. Since Mr. Mählmann had not only the love to water but also the hobby of model aviation, he called the boats after his two model gliders. Until the beginning of 2015 the Foka lay in a small, well-kept harbor – Schausende. At last it was called 4-Fun. Today she sails on the Schlei in Kappel and her name is Maus.
Before the boats were delivered to their proper destination, the yacht charter, Mr. Mählmann has installed a saildrive from Volvo / Honda in both boats . Then the boats have been chartered for years.
In the mid-1970s, it was common for boats to be delivered in orange. When sanding the underwater ship, I’ve already seen this color. So much the happier I am that Fuchur is kept in classic white today.
1. owner:
Günter Mählmann, Laatzen
Name: Kestrel
Port of registry: Schausende
Colour: Orange
Purchase price: 9075,- Eng. Pound (Kurs 1975: 1/5,4514 = 49471,45 DM oder ca. 24735,- €
2. owner:
Rudolf Ingermann, Flensburg/Harrislee
Name: Bianca
Port of registry: Flensburg/Wassersleben
Colour: Red
Retail price: 24.000,- DM
3. owner:
Kay Hansen, Sönnebüll
Name: Walli
Port of registry: Fischereihafen
Colour: Red
From ?? to 07.11.1997
Retail price: 15.500,- DM
4. owner:
Cay-Erik Geipel, Achtrup
Name: Fuchur
Port of registry: FYC/Flensburg – Fahrensodde
Colour: White
From 07.11.1997 to 31.08.2003
Retail price: 8.000,- €
5. owner:
Olaf Geipel, Flensburg
Name: Fuchur
Port of registry: FYC/Flensburg – Fahrensodde
Colour: British Racing Green
From 01.09.2003 – today
1 Comment
Manfred Kuhlen · 10. May 2019 at 15:13
Hallo Olaf, habe erst jetzt die “Segeln” in die Hand bekommen und muß sagen hast aus der Jaguar ja ein echtes Schmuckstück gemacht. Der Bericht und die Bilder sind wirklich überzeugend, sehr schön. Ich habe meine “Coolixs” 2018 verkauft. Der Rücken spielte bei 1,93 Körperlänge nicht mehr mit. Das Schiff ist aber im Heimathafen Böbs-Werft geblieben und vom neuen Eigner gleich Elektronisch voll aufgestockt worden. Leider ging nach einem halben Jahr der Volvo kaputt, Kühlkanaldurchbruch, und nur ist ein kleiner Yanmar mit 12 PS an seine Stelle getreten. Das hätte ich nicht finanziell mehr gebracht. Ich wünsche eine tolle Segelsaison mit nicht immer gleich 5NE Boen 8.
Mit Seglergruß und einem fröhlichen AHOI, Manfred Kuhlen Haeven/Ratekau